Disadvantaged Indigenous People: No Stone is Rejected by Our Builders!殘障原住民朋友:每顆溪石,都有它生命中的美與光彩!


這句話出自聖經《詩篇 118 篇》,意思是說啊,就算是工匠沒眼光、想丟棄的石頭(人民),神也不會放棄,甚至選作為神的選民,施予恩惠。 這句話不只在聖經裡算數,只要我們有眼光,到處都是美好的上等璞石 -- 花蓮的徐建正牧師,就是這樣撿回了許多好石頭,並創辦了「角石工作室」……
“The stone that builders rejected has become the cornershone.” (Psalm 118:22)
The sentence from the Bibles means that, the God will pick the stones that the craftmen don’t want to be the cornerstones and blesses them. — From the sentence, the pastor Hsu Jian-Cheng and Jiang Hsian-Shu have picked many “stones” that no other wants, and created a workshop called “Cornerstone Workshop”! 時間推回到 1995 年:當時位於花蓮鳳林鎮的阿美族草鼻部落,仍然是一個非常貧窮的小部落;於是來自部落的江嫻慧在媽媽的請求下,回到部落。 也就是那麼剛好:徐建正牧師在偶然的情形下,請調到這個東部的小部落,認識了江嫻慧,兩人一起攜手重建部落。也就是在進行社區營造的過程中,他們意外地認識了一群雖然身殘,卻仍然熱愛創作的原住民朋友!於是大家一起和這些殘而不廢、熱愛生命的原住民朋友合作,在 1998 年成立「角石生命發展協會」。 花蓮原本就以盛產昂貴的石材出名。但是這些原住民朋友放棄高貴的大理石和玫瑰石,而是專門挑選木瓜溪的硬砂岩進行創作。這些硬砂岩垂手可得,因此無人珍惜,是那些「匠人所棄的石頭」。但是這些朋友卻懂得利用每顆石頭天生的殘缺與特質,加以利用、美化,變成一座座散發出溫和光線的石燈,為自己,也為別人發光! 在角石工作室獲得成功後,他們更努力擴大影響力,成立了以原住民婦女編織為主的「潔妝工作坊」以及一處融合原住民的生活習慣,利用廢棄檳榔樹幹所建成的「檳榔築」,冬暖夏涼,用來接待願意和這些原住民朋友有更多互動的客人。 就這樣,一步一步,這群朋友打造出屬於自己的「上帝的匠室」;一步一步,這些殘障原住民朋友就好像是房角的頭塊石頭一樣,不願意放棄自己,懂得運用自己的長處,打造出屬於自己的人生光明! 徐牧師說:
其實這世界上,有誰是完美的?只是看我們能不能找到自己生命中的美好,讓自己盡情發光發亮罷 🙂
台灣第一個社會企業媒體平台《社企流》將與創意交流平台《DOIT共創公域》合作,在下週六晚上舉辦「DOIT 社企流小學堂」,邀請雖然身殘但心不殘,靠著自己的力量,連續成功創業,幫助其他身心障礙者的創業家張英樹主任,來和大家分享社會企業的創業心得! 張主任說:
於是他運用他的創意與管理方法,不販賣愛心、不對外募款、不消費故事,靠的是扎實的產品與服務品質,創造多樣營收,連續創辦旗下資料鍵檔、平面設計、超商加盟、手工甜點、加油站、精品琉璃等讓每個人都豎起大拇指,以幫助身心障礙者就業為目的的營利事業版圖! 活動主題:DOIT 社企流小學堂 活動日期:8 月 31 日(六) 活動時間:19:00 – 20:30 活動地點:MIC 成長培訓室(台北市敦化南路二段216號9樓) 活動講師:張英樹 主任(多元開創身障就業新價值/勝利身心障礙潛能發展中心) 報名費用:免費! 報名聯絡:林小姐 / [email protected] 報名網址:http://www.taiwan-doit.com/seievent.asp?sno=17

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這場活動和我們 8/31 下週六當天下午要舉辦的都市原住民議題講座「隔壁的朋友,什麼風把你吹來了?」時間完全不衝突,因此建議大家可以下午 2 點先去聽聽由我們 Saiviq Kisasa 老師、Isak Afo’ 老師,以及 Pangcah 阿美族守護聯盟共同分享的座談會,了解都市原住民在社經文化上所面對到的問題後,晚上再一起去聽《社企流》的「DOIT 社企流小學堂」,學習怎麼創社會企業,以最實際的方式幫助更多弱勢族群的朋友Urban_50x100 圖片來源:Chris Gin(CC Licensed) The time went back to 1995 when Jiang was asked by her mother to go back to her home tribe in Chihavaian in Hualian to help the tribal people rejuvenate the village. By accident, the pastor Hsu happened to be deployed to this small and poor Amis tribe. He met Jiang and the two people started to renovate Chihavaian. When they were working on the community renovation, they bumped into a group of disabled indigenous people! They found that, these disabled men were not trapped by their physical difficulty but loved their own lives with great passion, and knew how to use their talent to make artworks out of nameless stones. So in 1998, the people established the Cornerstone Life Development Association or Cornerstone Workshop later. Hualian is famous for the expensive stones, like marbles and rose stones, in its mountains and rivers. However, the disabled indigenous friends do not use those expensive stones, but use the greywackes that are so common and so abundant in the rivers. They make use of the stones’ virtues and features with their creativity to make many stone lamps that emit soft yellow ligh which does not only light up for others, but also for themselves! After the great success of the workshop, now Hsu has begun to set up another workshop mainly for indigenous women’s weaverings, and the Betel House! What is the Betel House? The Betel House is a building inspired by the Taiwanese indigenous people’s wisdom to build a house with betel palms to host their every guest that is willing to understand them more. In this way, gradually they have created their own Workshop of the God! Hsu said:
Cornerstone Workshop is not only an artwork, but a deeper understanding for the life!
I say, nobody is perfect in the world. It’s all up to one whether he can find his own values and brighten himself with it!   Photo via Chris Gin(CC Licensed)]]>


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