Previously we taught you how to tell an Amis boy’s looking without seeing him face to face, and now we are going to teach you how to tell whether a Tayal girl is hot or not without seeing her! The answer: From how well she weave! We know that in the culture of Tayal, a girl doesn’t know how to weave could not have tattoos on her face, and so she could not get marry. And so for Tayal traditionally, the better a girl’s weaving skill was, the more popular she was among Tayal boys! Why the weaving skills used to be so important for Tayal girls? This did make sense. Before, every piece of cloth you saw in a Tayal family, from bed sheets, shirts, scarves, leggins, to men’s hunting bags, all had to be done by the girls. And so if a girl didn’t know how to weave, how could she take care of her family? And so of course a girl that didn’t know how to weave could not get married. Chiang A-Chi, a Tayal woman from the tribe Wurai said that, many girls in her generation have never got married because they never learnt how to weave! This is why a Tayal girl had to learn how to weave from her mother in her 12 or 13. From planting ramie, removing leaves, reeling off fibers from ramie, making threads, to dyeing, every step was done by the girl. Also as the weaving skills were passed down from every mother to her daughter, and so every single totem we see from a piece of Tayal cloth is different by family. Chiang said, a girl who knows how to weave could easily tell the origin of a piece of cloth from the unique and beautiful weaving skills and the totems applied on it! Since every piece of cloth from each family is unique and different, Chiang said: “Every piece of Tayal cloth is passed down from a mother to her daughter and stands for the spirits of each family; as long as you learn and do hard, every piece of cloth we weave is the most beautiful!” Do you agree with the beautiful spirit and culture of Tayal? 🙂 觀看大地圖 (內容來源:國立台灣歷史博物館/圖片來源:ccm224、Wikipedia(CC Licensed))繼上次我們告訴大家說,怎麼樣可以不用看到一個阿美族男生本人,就能知道他是圓是扁,現在我們還要來個泰雅族版: 所以,怎麼才能不用看到一位泰雅族美眉本人,就能知道她到底正不正呢?
Okay 的!來自台北市烏來(Ulay)的泰雅族阿嬤蔣阿治要告訴你,泰雅族人說,一個女孩子正不正,看織的布才算數! 其實我們都知道,泰雅族的女孩不會織布,就不能在臉上紋面,也就不能出嫁。也因此呢,以前的族人認為女孩子一定要學會織布,而且布織的越好,織出來的紋路越美,就代表這美眉最正,在父系社會的泰雅族裡,大家都會搶著追! 「為什麼呢?為什麼織布那麼重要?」 當然是有理由的:以前泰雅族的家庭裡,全家大小的衣服,從上衣、頭巾、被單、綁腿、頭巾,到男生打獵用的背包,全都是泰雅族美眉一針一線織出來的。不會織布,就沒辦法照顧家人;沒辦法照顧家人,怎麼結婚呢? 蔣阿嬤說,泰雅族人雖然後來廢除紋面,但對於織布的重視還是沒間斷。她說,很多族裡跟她同輩的女孩子,就是因為不會織布,所以也就真的沒有結婚(哭哭) 這是為什麼以前泰雅族女孩子家到了 12、13 歲,就會被媽媽趕著學織布:從種苧麻、去葉、抽麻、做成麻線、染色等等繁複的步驟,都是這樣慢慢跟著媽媽辛苦學來的。泰雅族的布織很美,真的非常美,而且因為都是媽媽傳給女兒,家家祖傳不外傳的技術,所以每顆「祖靈的眼睛」(泰雅族織布上的菱形圖騰)都是獨一無二,都不同的!她說,大家都以為原住民的織布還不就是那樣,沒什麼不一樣,可是她們這些高手一看就知道,這布是南澳的美眉做的,是新竹的媽媽做的,還是南投的阿嬤織的。也因為這樣,阿嬤最後也笑笑地說:泰雅族的織布都是媽媽傳給女兒,代表了每個家族的精神;只要用心,每件都很漂亮!結論:只要用心,人人都可是正妹!(無誤!)
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