就算再窮,也要靠自己的力量,把我們英雄的雕像蓋起來!This is Our Hero! We Will Build His Statue By Ourselves!


-- 那就是「瘋馬」(Crazy Hourse)!If you are living in the United States or you are from there, and then probably you are familiar with an indigenous name — i.e. “Crazy Horse”!


瘋馬出生於 19 世紀,是美國中西部拉柯塔族(Lakota,蘇族的支族)的民族英雄,也是該族的一位軍事領袖,族語名字叫 Tȟašúŋke Witkó(塔蘇哥 ‧ 威特哥),意思是「他的馬瘋了!」(好嗨的名字 XDDD)。

就跟其他許多美國印地安人的命運一樣,拉科塔族至今仍是美國民眾中,最貧窮、生活條件最差的族群:嬰兒死亡率比美國平均值高 5 倍,且青少年自殺率也比平均值高 150%。他們一直到現在,還是無法忘記當初白人殖民者的行為,甚至於 2007 年致函美國國務院,單方面宣布自美國獨立,並退出和美國政府簽署的任何條約。

拉柯塔族從 19 世紀初以來,就一直受到白人殖民者的壓迫甚至屠殺。而瘋馬之所以成為拉柯塔族的民族英雄,就是因為他老人家曾經數次率領族人對抗入侵他們家園的白人;最有名的戰役是「大小角戰役」(the Battle of the Little Bighorn),由他率領數千名族人殲滅知名的第七騎兵隊(the 7th Cavalry),並擊殺隊長卡士達(Custer)!


-- 因為他們就算再怎麼窮,也要幫他們的民族英雄打造一個全世界最大的雕像!

事實上,發起建造瘋馬雕像的人,是一位波蘭裔的雕刻家 Korczak Ziolkowski。

故事回到當初美國政府在南達科塔州建造的那四面美國總統的雕像(沒錯,就是你知道的那四座)。原本這個地方是要雕刻拉柯塔族精神領袖的雕像,但後來在雕刻大師 Gutzon Borglum 的主導下,被改成雕刻現在大家熟知的四位美國總統。




於是一位酋長 Henry Standing Bear 就在 1939 年寫信給 Korczak Ziolkowski,邀請他也在這個拉柯塔族的傳統領域上,為瘋馬打造一座全世界最大的雕像

Ziolkowski 非常支持這個計畫,而且為了避免政治力介入,讓印地安人雕像變成美國總統雕像的事情再度發生,他打從一開始就拒絕政府單位的金援。後來他於 1982 年過世,但繼續完成雕像建造的拉柯塔族人,仍贊成並堅持 Ziolkowski 的理想,讓瘋馬雕像的建造資金 100% 來自民間捐款,或是每年來訪的遊客門票收入。

現在你如果到美國南達科塔州的 Black Hills,大老遠就可以看到這座美國印地安人最具代表性的雕像。雖然建造完成日遙遙無期,但在族人的理想與堅持下,這座 100% 來自民間募資的瘋馬巨像,將高達 563 呎(近台北 101 的 1/3 高),長 641 呎;瘋馬的一根手指就有 11.4 公尺長,馬的脖子可以裝下一棟 10 層的大樓,光是瘋馬的頭,就比旁邊那四位美國總統的頭像還要高(硬是比比你高)!將成為全世界最大的雕像!


《台灣原住民國際訊息平台International Platform for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples》(暨 Lima 台灣原住民青年團)是目前台灣專門關注國內外原住民權益及相關議題的網路平台,成員均數次代表台灣的原住民族參加聯合國原住民議題常設論壇(UNPFII),為全世界的原住民族發聲。



本週末 9/7 下午 2:20,Lima 台灣原住民青年團將在屏東三地國小與大家見面!



活動時間:9 月 7 日(六)下午 2:20 – 5:00(2:00 開放入場)




  1. Jinumu(洪簡廷卉,卑南族)/全球原住民青年工作小組主席
  2. Sakenge Kazangiljan(排灣族) /前政大搭蘆灣社社長
  3. Suliyape(陳堯,魯凱族)/原住民返鄉服務活動總召




(圖片來源:Great Beyond(CC Licensed)、Wikimedia Commons(CC Licesned)、Franklin B. Thompson(CC Licensed))


Crazy Horse is a Native American from the peoples of Lakota in South Dakota. The name comes from his native name Tȟašúŋke Witkó, which means “His-Horse-Is-Crazy”.

Just like many other Native Americans, Lakota is among the poorest people in the USA: The peoples’ infant death rate is five times as high as the average, and the youth’s suicide rate is 150% higher than the average. The peoples can not forget what the White intruders have done to them even now. This is why a group of Lakota people traveled to Washington, D.C., in Dec 2007 and delivered a statement asserting the independence of the Lakota from the USA.

And no wonder Crazy Horse has become a spiritual hero for many of the people even nowadays: Crazy Horse, as a war leader of the peoples, had led his people to defeat against the intruders of the U.S. Federal government many times, and becomes a hero of the peoples. The most famous battle of Crazy Horse is the Battle of the Little Bighorn, where he led thousands of Lakota to defeat the famous 7th Cavalry successfully and killed the leader Custer.

Okay, Crazy Horse seemed crazy, but his people are even crazier!

— Because no matter how poor they are, they insist to say no to any governmental financial support and want to build the largest statue for their hero upon donations and private funding only!

Actually the person who launched the project was Korczak Ziolkowski, a Polish artist.

The story should be traced back to the early 19th century when the government would like to build an indigenous giant statue in South Dakota. However, as led by the artist Gutzon Borglum, the government decided to carve the statues of the four presidents of the USA, instead of an indigenous leader as it was supposed to be.


This issue irritated the local Native Americans:

“This is our traditional territory, how could you build the statues of our intruders in our land?”

And so a chief Henry Standing Bear wrote a letter to the Polist sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski in 1939 and invited him to build another sculpture for Crazy Horse, also the largest statue in the world, in the homeland of the hero.

Ziolkowski liked the idea. To avoid any political intervention, he insisted to decline to any governmental financial support and only accepted private donations and fundings. Ziolkowski died in 1982, but the Lakota people who succeeded to the sculptor’s project have continued his vision and have kept the project privately funded or supported by the tour fees.

Now if you visit the Black Hills in South Dakota in the USA, you can see the world’s largest statue that is not yet completed from far away. After completion, the statue will be 563 feet tall and 641 feet long!

What’s the most important is, it will be a heroic indigenous statue fully completed by the Native Americans themselves!

After reading the case from the USA, what can we do in Taiwan for the rights of the Taiwanese indigenous people?


(Photos via Great Beyond(CC Licensed)、Wikimedia Commons(CC Licesned)、Franklin B. Thompson(CC Licensed))

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