Guess, the Owners of this Monolith is……?!小編,我都快昏頭了,卑南文化人,竟然是阿美族的祖先 ~..~|||???

Yesterday we got a message, asking us:

I would love to know more about this (monolith menhir Puyuma). Do you have any other info?


小編小編,請問這個死人骨頭… 阿不,這個卑南文化遺址的大石頭,有故事嗎?

Okay okay, the place name where this monolith menhir was found is actually called Beinan site, not Puyuma site.

And before our answer, we’d like to ask a question: Which of the indigenous peoples below is less likely to be the descendant of the owner of the stone, the Beinan people who used to live in Taitung City nowadays?

  1. Puyuma (or Beinan in Chinese)
  2. Amis
  3. Paiwan

The answer: 1) Beinan……

What??? Why not Beinan? Then why the site is called Beinan Cultural site, and why they are called the Beinan people?

Actually it’s not 100% sure about the answer.

The first reason is that, the stones and the relics found near Beinan Cultural site are all very similar with the ones found in Saoba site 86 kms away to the north of Beinan Cultural site. As Saoba has long been a traditional territory of Amis, so the Amis could be the descendants of the Beinan people. Actually even the elders of the Puyuma people now living around the site said that where they are living now used to be an old tribe of Amis!

And then, why Paiwan?

Hmmm, simple. This is because the Beinan people are like the Paiwan in many ways. For example, both of them live in slate houses and pull out teeth. Also their ceramic pots are similar with each other.

So are you correct?


Photo via Wikipedia (CC Licensed)




1) 卑南族
2) 阿美族
3) 排灣族

答案:1) 卑南族……



好吧,這個問題的答案,其實我們並不敢 100% 肯定。只是目前人類學家的確認為「卑南文化人」的後代,比較有可能跟阿美族捧油或排灣族捧油有關係。

先讓我們來看看這塊台東市卑南文化遺址上最有名、最大的「月型石柱」-- 你不覺得,跟花蓮瑞穗的掃叭石柱很像?

是的,就是因為卑南文化遺址出土的巨石和古文物,和 85 公里以外的瑞穗掃叭石柱附近的文物和石頭很像,所以一般來說,這些地方都被認為是 3,500 年前的「卑南文化」的範圍。而掃叭石柱,是阿美族和撒奇萊雅族的傳統領域,因此台東的卑南文化人,自然最有可能是阿美族人的祖先啊!(3,500 年前,撒奇萊雅族和阿美族應該還沒分族)不只是人類學上的發現這樣說,就連現在住在卑南文化遺址附近的卑南族耆老,也都說這裡是阿美族的舊部落呢!


喔,原來是因為 3,500 年前的卑南文化人,和排灣族一樣,都住石板屋,而且都有拔牙的習慣,而且排灣族舊部落發現的陶器,和卑南文化人的陶器很相似,所以有學者說,卑南文化人後來跑到山上住,就變成排灣族的祖先啦!



PS. 根據某些說法,3,500 年前,排灣族、魯凱族,和卑南族,應該都還沒有分化出來。所以若「排灣族源自卑南文化人」的說法成立,那麼其實說卑南文化人是卑南族或魯凱族的祖先,也無不可。

圖片來源:Wikipedia(CC Licensed)

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