來,一起到最偏遠的高士部落,學習最開放的偏鄉教育機會!Here in the most deserted Paiwan village of Kuskus to see the most educational opportunities!
如果你是一位在偏遠山區部落的新任小學校長,位於海拔 600 公尺高的山區,離最近的城鎮要 2 小時的山路,因為部落工作不易,成人都離鄉背井去外地工作;留下的部落小孩,面臨著教育與文化傳承等重重問題……
若你是這位校長,你會怎麼做?If you were a principal of a primary school in a remote indigenous village, located in a mountain of 600 meters above sea level and every villager takes 2 hours of bumpy road to the nearest town. As not many job opportunities here, most adults leave their home to work in big cities and leave children and the elders back at home, who face serious problem of grandparenting and cultural preservation……
If you were the principal, what would you do?
而 2008 年到任的許嘉政校長,看到了重重問題背後的機會 -- 他將高士小學,變為一處「旅人學苑」!
他以免費住宿為交換,吸引各界菁英旅人來到這所小學進駐:從美國假日飯店的副總裁夫婦,到每年 2/3 時間都在各國海上飄泊的船長、大學教授等等,都曾是這所屏東「最高學府」的菁英旅人…… 他們不只讓外界認識部落的資源,為部落帶來知名度與更多機會,更大大開拓學童的視野!
許嘉政校長能跳脫出傳統的窠臼,以創新的思維,將偏鄉小學的困境與環境化為資源並對外開放,不但引進外界菁英進駐,大大拓展這些排灣族小朋友的視野,更為部落與學校帶來更多機會。 還有什麼創新的方式,還有什麼新的資源,能夠突破偏鄉教育資源不足的困境,為部落的小孩帶來更均一的教育機會呢? 國內第一個社會企業平台《社企流》自今年七月開始與資策會合作舉辦「DOIT社企流小學堂」,目前已舉辦數場免費分享會,邀請國內知名社會企業創業家,從資訊科技與弱勢就業的角度,和大家分享許多社會企業的實際案例。而本月底的主題,將邀請到台灣「均一教育平台」的創辦人之一,方新舟先生,為大家分享他們如何以新的資訊科技,來解決偏鄉孩童的教育問題。 方新舟先生為前 IC 科技公司致誠科技的董事長與前雷凌科技的執行長。在科技產業耕耘多年後,他開始反思目前台灣所遇到的許多問題,如城鄉差距、偏鄉資源不足、人口外流,這些在所有部落同時面臨到的問題。於是他從去年開始和公益平台基金會董事長嚴長壽先生合作,共同創立「均一教育平台」,希望引進全球最大的免費數位教育平台「可汗學院」的資源,為台灣偏鄉的小孩帶來更多免費的教育機會。 想聽聽方新舟董事長分享更多偏鄉教育的經驗談嗎?下週六晚上 7 點,「DOIT社企流小學堂」見! 活動日期:9/28(六) 活動時間:月亮 7:00 ~ 8:30 活動地點:DOIT HOME(台北市大安區敦化南路二段216號9樓,電子地圖) 活動報名:免費報名網址 更多活動「DOIT社企流小學堂」請見:http://www.seinsights.asia/event/1392
資料來源:CM/圖片來源:Toomore Chiang(CC Licensed)
This school is Gao-Shi Elementary School located in the Paiwan community of Kuskus in Pintung in the southernmost end of Taiwan.
When the principal Hsu Jia-Cheng arrived at the school in 2008, he saw the opportunities behind the problems, and decided to turn the tribal school into the Travelers’ School!
He tried to attract elite travelers of every field from all around the world to stay in the school by offering free accommodation: The travelers include a couple of the vice president of world-class hotel chain, a captain who spend 2/3 of his time traveling across the seas, to universities’ professors…… They did not only increase publicity to the school, but also broadened the vision of the school students widely!
Since the launch of the Travelers’ School, what has moved the principal Mr. Hsu the most is that: All the travelers have come to the school not for the free accommodation but for contributing to the school, sharing their precious experience with the school students. Hsu said,
All the Travelers are the eyes of the students which lead them to see the broadness of the world!
Photo via Toomore Chiang(CC Licensed)
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