山豬:「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」Wild Boars: "We'll return double the pain…… No, 100 times the pain to you!!!"
最近半澤直樹先生的「加倍奉還」非常紅,非常厲害,厲害到可以叫上司跪在地上跟他磕頭(啊,透漏劇情了)。但你知道 400 年前,有一群山豬的「百倍奉還」,可以把一個鄒族的部落滅村嗎!
加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!
To you, I’ll return double the pain!!!
The expression has been so popular among Japanese and Taiwanese this summer, as the the fictional banker Hanzawa Naoki in the self-title Japanese TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki” has been so popular in the two countries.
In the drama, the banker step-by-step avenges on his boss for killing his father technically. But now, we’re sharing a fable of the Cou people, wherein a sounder of wild boars took revenge on Cou ancestors of killing their leader!
Wild boars:
We will return double the pain…… No, to you, we will return 100 times the pain!!!
有從阿里山開車到高雄那瑪夏的朋友應該都知道,沿途會經過山美、新美,還有茶山等三個鄒族的部落。很多朋友可能會以為這幾個部落是新遷入的部落,但其實像新美部落曾經在 400 年前,是一個有很多鄒族朋友定居的部落,可是後來人卻都不見了,一直到近代才又有鄒族人從達邦和特富野大社搬回去住。
據說在 400 年前,有隻山豬常在達谷布亞努部落附近走動;山豬走啊走,竟然愛上了一位美麗的鄒族少女!於是這隻山豬到了晚上,就變成一位英俊的少年郎,去接近這位鄒族女孩。很快地,一豬一人就墜入愛河,開始了一場豬人之間的不倫之戀 ……
這場人獸交… 啊不,人獸戀的事情,一直都隱藏得很好 -- 直到有一天,女孩的哥哥去打獵回來,看到這隻豬往他們家跑去,正打算獵來打牙祭時,卻看到山豬變成人,跑進妹妹的房間!哥哥當藍非常不爽,於是就趁山豬從妹妹房間出來時,一箭射死牠 @@”
對於達谷布亞努部落的這些可惡的鄒族人,我們要加倍奉還…… 喔不,要百倍奉還!
就這樣,一群忠心耿耿的山豬,為了死去的首領,合力滅了一個鄒族的大社…… 這就是鄒族傳說裡,山豬「百倍奉還」的故事!
…… 喔,對了。其實山豬滅村時,有一群達谷布亞努部落的勇士正在楠梓仙溪(Yamasiana)附近打獵,僥倖存活。他們最後用火攻 --「千倍奉還」,把附近的山豬都燒死了!
據說最早以前,新美部落(Sinvi)的族人是在據今約 1,800 年從,從高雄遷徙上來的,舊稱「達谷布亞努」(Takupuyanʉ);約在 400 年前,這裡的鄒族人數卻大減;除了山豬滅村的傳說外,叫常見的說法的社裡的族人內鬥,導致滅村。現在居住在新美的族人,都是在日據時代後,才從山上遷徙下來的。
部落位於嘉義 129 號縣道,在山美部落與茶山部落之間。附近景點有達古布雅努步道、荷蘭水、新美教堂、幾阿佐名山;其中達古布雅努步道就是得名自部落的古名。除此之外,附近山美部落的達娜伊谷自然生態公園也是非常有名的好去處,可以看看鄒族人是怎麼保護河川,復育珍貴的高山鯝魚喔!
圖片來源:Wikipedia(CC Licensed)
There is a Cou community in the famous Ali Mt. called Sinvi, which to many is a new Cou community where Cou people started to move in just decades ago. However, Sinvi is actually an old community of Cou. According to the legends, Cou ancestors had been there since 1,800 years ago, but then they disappeared 400 years ago.
There are many stories behind. And one of them is about the wild boars’ revenge!
Long time ago, the community was still called Takupuyanʉ and was a large Cou community, where the people were allowed to build their own Kuba (the Men’s Gathering Place).
Once there was a wild boar running around the community and encountered a beautiful Cou girl. It fell in love with her! And so, in the evening, the wild boar transformed into a handsome young man and approached the girl. Soon they fell in love……
One day, the girl’s older brother came back for a hunting and saw a wild boar running to his house. When he was about to shoot it, he saw the wild boar transform into a young man and walked into his sister’s room, and realized the story behind. He was so mad, and then took the chance to kill it when it left the room!
Such a coincidence, the wild boar was the leader of all the wild boars around the mountains!
And so the wild boars said:
To the Cou people of Takupuyanʉ, we will return double the pain…… No, we will return 100 times the pain!!!
So hundreds of wild boars ran down for the mountains and rushed to Takupuyanʉ. Surly the Cou men were brave and tried to defeat against the wild boars. But the animals were too mad and they forced all the Cou people to gather in their last resort — the Men’s Gathering Place! Still, eventually, the wild boars stepped on the dead bodies of the Cou warriors and climbed up to the Men’s Gathering Place, and killed all the people with their sharp teeth.
And thus ended the fable of the wild boars’ revenge against the Cou people of Takupuyanʉ……
…… Oh, yup. Actually a group of Takupuyanʉ warriors were hunting around the river of Yamasiana and so luckily survived. When they came back to the community and found the tragedy, they set trap and killed all the wild boars with fire.
And thus finally ended the fable of the wild boars’ revenge against the Cou people of Takupuyanʉ……
How to visit the community
According to legends, the ancestors of Takupuyanʉ arrived to the community from Kaohsiung nowadays 1,800 years ago. Around 400 years ago, the population of Takupuyanʉ suddenly decreased and the survivors moved out of the community. Besides the legend of the wild boars’ revenge, another story more common was an internal strife that killed most of the people. Now the Cou residents of the community moved into the place from mountains only decades ago after the occupation of Japan, and the name has been changed to Sinvi.
Sinvi is located on the County Highway No.129 of Jiayi County, where you may visit Takupuyanʉ Walking Trail, the Dutch Spring, Sinvi Church, and Ji’azuoming Mt. Also Tanaiku Ecological Park in nearby Saviki is a popular place to visit, where you can see the precious Onychostoma barbatula only native to Taiwan!
Photo via Wikipedia(CC Licensed)
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