Author: Benedict
Mayasvi –– The Ceremony of War & Triumph
The ‘Mayasvi’ or Ceremony of War and Triumph is the greatest event in the calendar of Taiwan’s Tsou people. Now only carried out in either Tefuye (Tfuya) or Dabang (Tapangʉ) village in Alishan, the celebration has no fixed day, but instead the date is traditionally fixed each year by village males depending on such factors…
Mayasvi –– The Ceremony of War & Triumph
The ‘Mayasvi’ or Ceremony of War and Triumph is the greatest event in the calendar of Taiwan’s Tsou people. Now only carried out in either Tefuye (Tfuya) or Dabang (Tapangʉ) village in Alishan, the celebration has no fixed day, but instead the date is traditionally fixed each year by village males depending on such factors…
Peace and Music in Dulan, the Amis Music Festival
…… what is clear is that almost no-one worldwide links the well-known sound of the song to Taiwan and the culture of its original inhabitants. The success of the song, however, has lead to an increased sense amongst the Amis people of the global appeal of their music and Difang remains revered here. 20 years…
I visited Taiwan for the first time 5 years ago with my wife, who’s Taiwanese; at that time, I knew next to nothing about the country’s history and people. This has made observing and photographing life here all the more interesting to me. It is also a clear signifier to me that in the West…
自洪水中救出祖先文化的鄒族勇士 PasuyaPasuya – the Brave Warrior
他來自鄒族的頭目家族,在部落裡是個名聲響亮的名人,他是巴蘇亞(Pasuya)。 就像鄒族神話裡那位能拔起一座山的偉大戰士巴蘇亞一樣,這位巴蘇亞在年輕時,也曾是位傑出的運動員。Pasuya is the brother of the former chief and is an important dignitary in Tsou society. Like his mythical namesake in Tsou legend (Pasuya, a mighty warrior, who was strong enough pull down mountains), this Pasuya was an accomplished athlete in his youth……]]>