Category: 鄒
昨天(4/17)是鄒族人權志士 Uyongʉ Yata’uyungana(漢名:高一生)的逝世 60 週年,許多人都紛紛在這一天,分享 Uyongʉ 先生一生為原住民族自治而奮鬥的歷史。但我們今天不要講太沈重的歷史,而是要從他與愛妻湯川小姐的故事說起。]]>
佩珍姐告訴我們,這座涼亭是仿造 Kuba 的建築,不過她並沒有說明什麼是 Kuba,而是請在場的一位耆老來為大家解釋。不過拿起麥克風的耆老並沒有照著佩珍姐的劇本走,而是指著面前的火堆,隨興地說著過去鄒族人傳統的一些飲食習慣,如用手抓食物,吃不完的食物就放在火堆上的置物籃,透過爐火的烘烤來儲存等,然後突然談起自己的生命經歷 ── 在里佳出生,受日本教育,搬到新美後讀國小三年級,然後去台北念聖經書院唸書當傳道,接著去當兵,在金門和共匪作戰的事蹟……。眼看耆老沈浸在當兵的豐功偉業裡欲罷不能,佩珍姐用鄒語婉轉地將耆老從記憶中喚回,然後請同學提問……]]>
Mayasvi –– The Ceremony of War & Triumph
The ‘Mayasvi’ or Ceremony of War and Triumph is the greatest event in the calendar of Taiwan’s Tsou people. Now only carried out in either Tefuye (Tfuya) or Dabang (Tapangʉ) village in Alishan, the celebration has no fixed day, but instead the date is traditionally fixed each year by village males depending on such factors…
Mayasvi –– The Ceremony of War & Triumph
The ‘Mayasvi’ or Ceremony of War and Triumph is the greatest event in the calendar of Taiwan’s Tsou people. Now only carried out in either Tefuye (Tfuya) or Dabang (Tapangʉ) village in Alishan, the celebration has no fixed day, but instead the date is traditionally fixed each year by village males depending on such factors…