Category: 太魯閣
Living like a Truku in the Magnificent & Beautiful Realm of the Taroko Gorge
The clash between Philippines ocean plate and the Eurasian plate over millions of years moved all this mass of rock upwards […] created what is considered one of the most spectacular canyons in the world, the Taroko Gorge……]]>
咪基琪米:在山路上誕生的織女,要將彩虹民族的織布技術推向國際!Miciq Rangi: A Weaver Born on a Mountain Road to Promote the Weaves of Truku to the World!
你知道泰雅族、賽德克族,還有太魯閣族這些「彩虹民族」在服裝設計上的共同點是什麼? 「祖靈之眼!」「帶著祖靈之眼,才能找到祖先並相認。」 那三族的服飾,又有何不同呢? 「太魯閣族服裝,多半是白底點綴上祖靈之眼,象徵『純潔』」……Do you know what is the feature in common of the clothing design of the Peoples of Rainbow, i.e. Tayal, Seediq, and Truku? “The Eyes of Ancestral Spirits! (the diamond patterns on the cloth)” “With the Eyes of Ancestral Spirits on the clothes, we could eventually be recognized by our ancestors after…