Category: 音樂
全世界只有台灣才有啦:原住民的鼻笛「雙管」齊下,又哭又笑又有生命!Nowhere else, only Pipe Up here, the Unique Indigenous Twin-Pipe Nose Flute in Taiwan!
今晚,在凱達格蘭族的故鄉 -- 北投的社區大學,來了一位南台灣的重量級女音樂家,為大家帶來了一場超精采的音樂饗宴…… 而這位女音樂家,就是大名鼎鼎的少妮瑤! 少妮瑤 ‧ 久分勒分老師(Sauniyaw Tjuveljevelj)來自屏東牡丹的排灣族部落,最讓人敬佩的事之一,大概就是在排灣族傳統音樂傳承上,努力不懈,即使自己掏腰包,或是有禁忌的限制,也要努力把排灣族的鼻笛傳承下去! 為何說少妮瑤老師要傳承鼻笛,會有禁忌的顧忌呢?……Nose flute could be a common memory of all the Austronesian peoples in the world, as it’s an important instrument for most of them. And among all the nose flute playing people, Taiwan’s indigenous people’s twin-pipe nose flute is something you shouldn’t ignore……]]>