Tag: 布農
藏在詩裡的山和舊部落:〈翻山越嶺至馬西桑〉The mountains and old communities hidden in the poem:〈Go Over Mountains Back To Masisan〉
如果問你,你祖先的部落在哪,你有辦法畫出來了 於是,來自花蓮卓溪鄉的布農族作家 Salizan Takisvilainan Ilistuan(砂力浪),在他的詩集《笛娜的話》中,留下了這麼一首代表布農族人記憶的詩:詩中不但將舊部落的記憶寫出,也把舊部落的位置畫出來……Can you tell me where your grandfathers came from? Salizan Takisvilainan Ilistuan, a Bunun poet from Hualian, Taiwan, wrote a poem that recollects the common memories of Bunun to mountains, which also tells us the location of the old community where his grandfather came from……]]>
What are the common points between an umbrella and a rain hat?下雨了!請問斗笠和雨傘的共同點是???
大問哉:請問斗笠和雨傘的共同點是?…… Question: What are the common points between an umbrella and a kasa (wide-brimmed rain hat)?]]>
也許你有聽過「蝴蝶效應」,但你絕對沒看過布農族的「蠶寶寶效應」=口=?! 原來,這一切都是因為賽德克族人打日本人,竟然害得布農族人養不好蠶寶寶…….也許你有聽過「蝴蝶效應」,但你絕對沒看過布農族的「蠶寶寶效應」=口=?! 原來,這一切都是因為賽德克族人打日本人,竟然害得布農族人養不好蠶寶寶…….]]>