Tag: 社企流
【Mata 活動報】抱怨現狀不如努力衝撞!4/12 一起來用社企力創造理想世界吧!
在台灣,「社會企業」這四個字夯了好幾年,你也許也知道,跟一般企業相比,社會企業的目的在於解決社會問題,而不是追求股東最大利潤,所得盈餘將用於某種社會公義。 但你知道社會企業能如何幫助部落嗎?]]>
來,一起到最偏遠的高士部落,學習最開放的偏鄉教育機會!Here in the most deserted Paiwan village of Kuskus to see the most educational opportunities!
如果你是一位在偏遠山區部落的新任小學校長,位於海拔 600 公尺高的山區,離最近的城鎮要 2 小時的山路,因為部落工作不易,成人都離鄉背井去外地工作;留下的部落小孩,面臨著教育與文化傳承等重重問題…… 若你是這位校長,你會怎麼做?If you were a principal of a primary school in a remote indigenous village, located in a mountain of 600 meters above sea level and every villager takes 2 hours of bumpy road to the nearest town. As not many job opportunities here, most adults leave their home to work…
Disadvantaged Indigenous People: No Stone is Rejected by Our Builders!殘障原住民朋友:每顆溪石,都有它生命中的美與光彩!
「匠人所棄的石頭,如今成為房角的頭塊石頭。」 這句話出自聖經《詩篇 118 篇》,意思是說啊,就算是工匠沒眼光、想丟棄的石頭(人民),神也不會放棄,甚至選作為神的選民,施予恩惠。 這句話不只在聖經裡算數,只要我們有眼光,到處都是美好的上等璞石 -- 花蓮的徐建正牧師,就是這樣撿回了許多好人才,並創辦了「角石工作室」…… “The stone that builders rejected has become the cornershone.” (Psalm 118:22) The sentence from the Bibles means that, the God will pick the stones that the craftmen don’t want to be the cornerstones and blesses them. — From the sentence, the pastor Hsu Jian-Cheng and Jiang Hsian-Shu have…