Tag: 達谷布亞努
山豬:「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」Wild Boars: "We'll return double the pain…… No, 100 times the pain to you!!!"
最近半澤直樹先生的「加倍奉還」非常紅,非常厲害,厲害到可以叫上司跪在地上跟他磕頭(啊,透漏劇情了)。但你知道 400 年前,有一群山豬的「百倍奉還」,可以把一個鄒族的部落滅村嗎! 山豬們: 「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」”To you, I’ll return double the pain!!!” The expression has been so popular among Japanese and Taiwanese this summer, as the the fictional banker Hanzawa Naoki in the self-title Japanese TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki” has been so popular in the two countries. In the drama, the banker step-by-step avenges on…