Tag: Cayamavana

  • Aveoveoyu, Let's Share the Culture of Sharing in the Pavilions of Cayamavana!

    Aveoveoyu, Let's Share the Culture of Sharing in the Pavilions of Cayamavana!

    I recently had the opportunity to re-visit Chashan Village (茶山部落), located in the southernmost part of Alishan Township of Chiayi County (嘉義縣阿里山鄉). Its name in the Tsou language is Ca Ya Ma Vana, which means “plain along the midslope of a mountain”. When the Japanese occupied Taiwan (1895-1945), they shortened the name to Ca Ya…

  • 66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享

    66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享

    11 號腳踏車,是華爾街上的行人忙碌 22 朵玫瑰花,是香榭道上的戀人雙雙對對 33 年之後,是我們再一次沐浴在肯亞的獅子座流星雨下 44 歲那年,是倫敦最憂鬱的年齡 55 個 5555,是潑水節的歡笑合不攏嘴 66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享11 號腳踏車,是華爾街上的行人忙碌 22 朵玫瑰花,是香榭道上的戀人雙雙對對 33 年之後,是我們再一次沐浴在肯亞的獅子座流星雨下 44 歲那年,是倫敦最憂鬱的年齡 55 個 5555,是潑水節的歡笑合不攏嘴 66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享]]>