Tag: New Year celebration
抓魚做粿祭祖靈!大家大年初二…… 喔不,農曆11月半,一起來埔里過新年!!!
之前就說,只要跟原住民當好朋友,就可以每個月都在過新年~沒錯,這個月就輪到南投埔里的原住民 -- 噶哈巫族的朋友過新年了! 每年農曆的 11 月 15 日,就是埔里的噶哈巫族人口中所稱的「過番年」,噶哈巫語稱為 Muazaw a Azem。「過番年」曾經是由噶哈巫族的四個部落各自舉行,然而日治時期末期,因為太平洋戰爭導致台灣連帶民生潦倒,因此開始中斷舉行……Kaxabu is one of the Taiwanese indigenous peoples living in Central Taiwan. Although not yet recognized by Taiwan’s central government, Kaxabu people still wield their own language and maintain their ceremonies, including muzaw a azem, the new year ceremony every 11th month……]]>