Tag: Pasuya

  • 自洪水中救出祖先文化的鄒族勇士 PasuyaPasuya – the Brave Warrior

    自洪水中救出祖先文化的鄒族勇士 PasuyaPasuya – the Brave Warrior

    他來自鄒族的頭目家族,在部落裡是個名聲響亮的名人,他是巴蘇亞(Pasuya)。 就像鄒族神話裡那位能拔起一座山的偉大戰士巴蘇亞一樣,這位巴蘇亞在年輕時,也曾是位傑出的運動員。Pasuya is the brother of the former chief and is an important dignitary in Tsou society. Like his mythical namesake in Tsou legend (Pasuya, a mighty warrior, who was strong enough pull down mountains), this Pasuya was an accomplished athlete in his youth……]]>