Tag: Tayal
高天生(Yawi Noming)爺爺來自苗栗泰安的天狗部落(B’anax),是之前全世界僅存唯一還留有紋面的泰雅族男性。有次他受訪時,曾這樣回憶起當初紋面的過程: 「紋面當天的過程,是用四根針固定在木頭上,樣子看起來像刷子,在臉上敲打…… 好痛!唉!」He recalled the process of having the tattoo in one personal inerview years ago, they used a wood fixed by four needles to prick around on his face, and then dyed with the dyes made from Taiwan red pine: “My face was bleeding. It was so hurt!”]]>
Living like an Atayal
“The only thing an Atayal man needs to survive is a knife, a lighter and salt” I’m sipping some hot soy milk in an Ikari Coffe near Zhongxiao Station and thinking that I would’ve never be caught dead craving soy milk at 10 in the morning before coming to Taiwan……]]>
【原美學工坊專欄】萬聖節應景文:掛在樹上的不是南瓜頭,是人頭……!Happy Thrilling Halloween, No Pumpkin Head on the Tree…… But Men's Heads!
每個部落,都有流傳許多鮮為大眾知道的奇風異俗,在現今南投縣仁愛鄉瑞岩通往力行部落附近的一條產業道路上,就有一棵神秘的「人頭樹」。而在人頭樹附近禁止喧嘩,也不可靠在樹邊,否則傳說會全身會長滿爛瘡,或是罹患不治之症。 但為何會稱呼它為「人頭樹」呢?……Every indigenous community has its own exotic customs unknown to us. For example, on the way to Malepa in Nantou in Central Taiwan, there is a mysterious Tree of Men’s Heads; you shall not clamor or stay around the tree; otherwise, you would get infected with ulcer all around your body or get something…
每年 11 月左右,當金黃色的小米都採收完,白濛濛的冬天伴隨著濕潤的東北季風來臨時,泰雅族人就會開始栽種他們的第一位山林好朋友,赤楊木!……]]>
很好ㄋㄟ,加拿大的捧油,泰雅族的小米要飛到你們家門口了!Good for you, our Canadian friends! Now Tayal millet is coming to your town!
很好 ㄋㄟ,加拿大的朋友,泰雅族的小米,要到你們家了! 還記得我們之前分享過的《好久不見德拉奇》嗎?……Dear friends in Canada, good for you! Cuz Tayal millet is coming to your town! Remember the movie that we shared with you guys, Millet Back Home?]]>