Tag: Tsou
自洪水中救出祖先文化的鄒族勇士 PasuyaPasuya – the Brave Warrior
他來自鄒族的頭目家族,在部落裡是個名聲響亮的名人,他是巴蘇亞(Pasuya)。 就像鄒族神話裡那位能拔起一座山的偉大戰士巴蘇亞一樣,這位巴蘇亞在年輕時,也曾是位傑出的運動員。Pasuya is the brother of the former chief and is an important dignitary in Tsou society. Like his mythical namesake in Tsou legend (Pasuya, a mighty warrior, who was strong enough pull down mountains), this Pasuya was an accomplished athlete in his youth……]]>
19 世紀的蘇格蘭攝影師:平埔原住民有魔法,讓冷水加上神祕種子,就變成好吃的魔法果凍!Scottish Photographer: Oh Taiwanese Indigenous Magic Jelly, I think I fall in love with you!
1871 年,來自蘇格蘭的知名旅行攝影師 John Thomson 來到現在高雄甲仙、木柵一帶,拜訪人情味超濃的西拉雅族朋友(這裡應該屬於大武壠族),吃到了一種平埔朋友的「魔法果凍」! Thomson 驚訝地說: 這些原住民到底是施了什麼魔法,為什麼他們將果莢裡的小種子泡在冷水裡,就可以變出美味可口的琥珀色果凍! 到底這些「魔法果凍」是什麼???In 1871, John Thomson, the famous Scottish photographer, came to Southern Taiwan and visited various local Sirayan or Taivoan communities, where the friendly Plain Indigenous people treated him a kind of “magic jelly”! Thomson said surprisedly: What kind of magic have these indigenous people cast and transformed…
山豬:「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」Wild Boars: "We'll return double the pain…… No, 100 times the pain to you!!!"
最近半澤直樹先生的「加倍奉還」非常紅,非常厲害,厲害到可以叫上司跪在地上跟他磕頭(啊,透漏劇情了)。但你知道 400 年前,有一群山豬的「百倍奉還」,可以把一個鄒族的部落滅村嗎! 山豬們: 「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」”To you, I’ll return double the pain!!!” The expression has been so popular among Japanese and Taiwanese this summer, as the the fictional banker Hanzawa Naoki in the self-title Japanese TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki” has been so popular in the two countries. In the drama, the banker step-by-step avenges on…
北部中秋節一直下雨,看不到月亮啦!我要看月亮我要看月亮…… 月亮快踹共!(敲碗 …… 月亮不見了,以前的原住民都怎麼料理這種情形呢?Remember? Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan when everybody is busy doing barbecue and watching moon! …… Unfortunately, it rains a lot all around Northern Taiwan, and so most people cannot see the Moon tonight…… So how did the Taiwanese indigenous people always do to ask the Moon to show up?]]>
甄嬛和華妃應該要去參加生命豆節,這樣才可以綿延子嗣……… ( ̄▽ ̄)/
新娘子要出嫁了 喜上眉梢,心中的甜蜜像生命豆一樣,不斷地像上滋長新娘子要出嫁了 喜上眉梢,心中的甜蜜像生命豆一樣,不斷地像上滋長]]>
66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享
11 號腳踏車,是華爾街上的行人忙碌 22 朵玫瑰花,是香榭道上的戀人雙雙對對 33 年之後,是我們再一次沐浴在肯亞的獅子座流星雨下 44 歲那年,是倫敦最憂鬱的年齡 55 個 5555,是潑水節的歡笑合不攏嘴 66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享11 號腳踏車,是華爾街上的行人忙碌 22 朵玫瑰花,是香榭道上的戀人雙雙對對 33 年之後,是我們再一次沐浴在肯亞的獅子座流星雨下 44 歲那年,是倫敦最憂鬱的年齡 55 個 5555,是潑水節的歡笑合不攏嘴 66 個涼亭,是茶山部落數也數不清的熱情與分享]]>